Thursday, March 12, 2009

Another One of Those Weeks

It's another one of those weeks when I'm feeling swamped and like I keep thinking "I want to blog about that" and can't remember what it was a second later.

Even though I'm feeling swamped, I still feel pretty good. I'm beginning to realize that once I finish my board exam, this is what life could be like. I could have two days off per week to just mess about and recuperate. I could have my evenings free to do whatever I want. I could have energy to mess about and do whatever I want.

Right now it feels like adding studying for my final board exam always puts me over the edge. Just adding that one thing (which is really hours of that one thing) overtips my schedule and my energy such that I become whiny, bitchy, needy and overwrought. Watching A study for his certification exams has been somewhat inspiring, though, and I want to get back on that train.

I'm thinking I need to schedule in my study times again, in small blocks, almost every day. If I can take 1 practice test each evening and study for a good block on each of my days off or days that I get off work early, I think I could be ready in a couple of months. I guess if I can schedule in the gym, I can schedule in my studying.

Maybe just need to take a few of those Rock Band and Wii events off the calendar for a while. :)

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